African American citizens of Winchester and Clark County have played a significant role in the community. In order to highlight some of our achievements, a group of volunteers got together to form the Winchester Black History & Heritage Committee in 2014.

We have also held an ongoing series of local meetings dealing not only with “history and heritage” but also with health, diet, education and other issues in our community. The African American Heritage Trail is an effort to further document and illustrates achievements of the black community.

Our group published the African American Pictorial History of Clark County, Kentucky in 2018.

African Americans have been present in Clark County since its first exploration in 1775. The history of whites here has been extensively documented and presented to the public. However, our black history is mostly missing. The African American Trail and The Winchester Black History and Heritage Committee are projects intended to help address that vacuum. The Trail presents a series of educational signs highlighting achievements of the local black community.

African American Pictorial History of Clark County KY

Winchester Black History and Heritage Commission

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